Prefect of the Imperial Library
Baron van Swieten was Maria Teresa's physician before being appointed Prefect. The prefect is basically just the head librian with a lot of status.
The Imperial Library grew greatly during the Enlightenment, especially under van Swieten. Swieten brought in many science books and books from newly dissolved monasteries. He also began the first ever card catalog system. The library was a place where natives and foreigners could expect to find rareness.
The library has a massive music collection, containing many original manuscripts and hand written now from composers. There are 90 Salieri original manuscripts, likely collected while he was alive, compared to Mozart's 397.
The Imperial Library grew greatly during the Enlightenment, especially under van Swieten. Swieten brought in many science books and books from newly dissolved monasteries. He also began the first ever card catalog system. The library was a place where natives and foreigners could expect to find rareness.
The library has a massive music collection, containing many original manuscripts and hand written now from composers. There are 90 Salieri original manuscripts, likely collected while he was alive, compared to Mozart's 397.